You may have heard the terms “abortion pill” and “plan b or morning after pill”. Are these the same thing? If not, how are they different? And how do you know if either are an option for you if you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy? Thankfully, we have the answers to those questions. What is the abortion pill?We have a previous post that goes a little more in depth on the medical abortion process, but here is a brief rundown of what the abortion pill is. According to the Food and Drug Administration, the abortion pill is actually a combination of two medications- mifepristone and misoprostol. This series of pills is commonly referred to as a medical abortion. It is an FDA approved abortion method for women in the first 10 weeks of their pregnancy and can only be administered by a medical professional. This abortion process begins by taking mifepristone, which blocks the hormone progesterone from the developing embryo. This causes the heart to stop in the developing embryo. The next step in this process is taking misoprostol. This medication causes the uterus to contract and causes cramping which expels the embryo or fetus. Some women can experience severe cramping. A follow up appointment is recommended to ensure completion of the medical abortion and to ensure no complications have occurred. What is the plan b pill?Unlike the abortion pill, the morning after pill (or plan b) is only an option within 72 hours of unprotected sex and is purchased over-the-counter at many convenience stores. According to the FDA, the morning after pill (or plan b) is a large dose of an oral contraceptive, levonorgestrel. This is not the same medication as a medical abortion. Plan B is considered an emergency contraceptive used to prevent ovulation or fertilization from occurring. It may also prevent implantation from occurring. Once implantation has begun, however, it is not effective. Associated risks of Plan B and the Abortion PillThere are associated risks with both the Plan B (Morning After Pill) and the Abortion Pill. Abortion Pill risks: bleeding, infection, the abortion pill will not end an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy - a life threatening condition, failed abortion, risk of fetal malformation if pregnancy continues Plan B or Morning After Pill risks: nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, and menstrual changes What does this all mean for you?If you find yourself experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, don’t feel rushed into making an appointment with an abortion clinic. Make your decision with peace and with all the facts. At the CPC we have trained staff and volunteers that can come alongside you and give you the help you need to make your decision with confidence. We offer free services like pregnancy testing and limited ultrasounds, both of which will be necessary in making your pregnancy decision. We can also walk you through what a medical abortion, surgical abortion, and pregnancy look like. We offer every woman that walks through our door hope and encouragement, no matter her pregnancy decision. Call us today to make an appointment, or use our online scheduler to make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you! Note: Some women that begin the abortion pill process change their mind before taking the misoprostol. There is an abortion pill reversal. Under the care of a doctor, some women have continued their pregnancies and given birth to healthy babies. For more information on the abortion pill reversal, click here.
Chlamydia is a common STD you may have heard about. But what exactly is chlamydia and how do you make sure you don’t get it? What is chlamydia?According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) chlamydia can affect men and women. Common symptoms can include a burning sensation while urinating, an abnormal discharge, and men can experience pain or swelling in one or both testicles. In some cases, no symptoms will be present at all. Chlamydia can cause serious and permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system if left untreated. Common complications include an impossibility or difficulty getting pregnant in the future or a fatal ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy occurring outside of the uterus). It’s more common than you thinkLouisiana actually ranks #2 in the nation for the most reported chlamydia cases, so it’s fairly common in our state. Chlamydia is spread from one partner to another by vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Even if you have had and been treated for chlamydia in the past, you can still contract it again by having sex with an infected partner. If you are pregnant, chlamydia can also be passed to your baby during childbirth if you have not been treated. Chlamydia in a newborn can cause an eye infection or pneumonia, so it is best to be tested at one of your prenatal visits and receive treatment before childbirth. How to avoid itAccording to the CDC, the best method to avoid contracting chlamydia is to be in a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner. Condom use may decrease the likelihood of spreading chlamydia and other STDs, but condoms must be used correctly and, in many cases, they are not. It is also wise if you and your partner seek STD testing and treatment if you are concerned about STDs. If you are single, one of the best ways to avoid chlamydia, and all STDs, is to be very selective with your sexual partners. Remember that you and your body are important, and you do not have to have sex with someone to prove anything, show affection towards someone, or receive affection from someone else. You are valuable, simply because you are a human being. You deserve an opportunity to keep your body healthy and happy. Now what?Currently, the CPC does not offer STD testing or treatment. But we do keep a list of resources on STD information to help equip you and empower you to make healthy life decisions. We also can refer you to local STD testing sites if you’d like. Give us a call to learn more, or email us to speak with a trained staff member.
You matter, we CARE. You think you may be pregnant. If you aren’t exactly wanting to be pregnant, that can be a scary and stressful place to be. You aren’t sure if you’re ready for a baby, and your guy may not feel ready either. Whether you’re freaking out or just feel anxious, we want to help you make your pregnancy decision with confidence in your decision. If you don’t feel good about your decision from the beginning, it doesn’t automatically get better after your decision is made and carried out. Let’s first tackle the difference between reacting to a situation and responding to a situation. Reacting to a situation can be rushed. We don’t like a situation so we jump to a solution without fully thinking about our decision and its impact on us. Responding to our situation, rather than our emotions, is much healthier for us in the long run.
So how do you make a confident decision?
The CPC exists for women facing an unexpected pregnancy. We want to encourage you and equip you to make a pregnancy decision that you feel good about from beginning to end. Give us a call or schedule a free appointment today.
You matter, we CARE. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering taking abortion medication, there is some important information you need to know first. What is the "abortion pill"?Well, technically, the “abortion pill” isn’t just one pill. The abortion pill process actually consists of two drugs (mifepristone and misoprostol) and you may have heard it referred to as Mifeprex™ or RU-486. The abortion pill is considered a medication abortion. Abortionists are able to provide this type of abortion until roughly 10 weeks gestation. The first step of the abortion pill process occurs at the abortion clinic. An abortionist will provide mifepristone for you to take orally. This drug blocks progesterone from the embryo, which eventually stops the heart of the unborn embryo. This first step can take a few days to complete. The second step of the abortion pill process occurs at your home. Misoprostol is self-administered and causes cramping and the expulsion of your embryo or fetus. After about a week or two you will return to the abortion clinic to ensure the medication abortion was successful. If it wasn’t, a surgical abortion may have to be performed. What are the ABORTION Pill Risks?Like any medical procedure, there are associated risks with the abortion pill.
How do I know the abortion pill is right for me?Knowing all your options is important to make your pregnancy decision. At CARE, we offer unbiased, educational, and supportive information to help you make your pregnancy decision. Unlike other clinics, we do not financially benefit from your pregnancy decision so you can truly make your choice without coercion. We also offer free limited ultrasounds to help you make your decision. We can tell you the gestational age of your embryo, if the pregnancy is in the uterus, and check for a heartbeat to see if the pregnancy is viable. This information is vital in making your pregnancy decision. Learn why this information is important in making your decision from another blog post we put together. Bottom line.We want you to feel confident in your pregnancy decision. At the end of the day, we want you to feel good about the decision you made. We are equipped with knowledgeable staff and volunteers that can give you information about medication abortions, surgical abortions, adoption, and parenting. We are here to help, give us a call or make an appointment using our online scheduler. We look forward to talking with you! Note: Some women that begin the abortion pill process change their mind before taking the misoprostol. There is an abortion pill reversal. Under the care of a doctor, some women have continued their pregnancies and given birth to healthy babies. For more information on the abortion pill reversal, click here.
**The Care Pregnancy Center does not offer the abortion pill reversal, nor do we offer or refer for a medication or surgical abortion.**
Whether planned or unexpected, you may have come across our site in search of answers to these questions. We offer many services and resources, but a quick summary of our top services are pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, options information, abortion recovery classes, and parenting classes. All of our services are at no cost to you. So what can you expect from your appointment at the CPC? Do I need an appointment or can I just walk-in?Appointments are encouraged due to COVID, we’re allowing a limited number of people into the building at a time. So if you did not make an appointment, we may or may not be able to see you when you arrive since appointments are seen first. Your best bet will be to schedule an appointment, which can easily be done by giving us a call or using our online scheduler. Made the appointment, now what?After you made your appointment just be sure to have a face mask handy and your ID, and maybe come with a full bladder for your urine pregnancy test. You may have taken at-home pregnancy tests, but our medical director requires a medical-grade pregnancy test done at our center before we can move forward. While in the waiting room you will complete some paperwork to help us get to know you a little better and learn more about what information you would like us to provide. A client advocate will bring you back for your test and while a trained medical staff or volunteer runs your test, you will be able to talk with your advocate about parenting, abortion, and adoption and what resources we can provide. Your resultsYour client advocate will bring in your results and go over discharge instructions. If your result comes back positive, you have the opportunity to request a limited ultrasound. A limited ultrasound will tell you if the pregnancy is viable - meaning a fetus can be born and has a reasonable chance of survival. If your result is negative, you will have the option to schedule a retest in a week or two if your cycle still does not come. During this time your client advocate may also give information about any possible referrals you may request such as, housing, food, medical, etc. ultrasoundIf your test result was positive and you requested an ultrasound, our medical staff/volunteer will reach out to you to schedule the ultrasound. On some occasions the ultrasound can be done the same day as your pregnancy test, but plan for a second visit just to be safe. The ultrasound we provide will be a limited ultrasound, which means we cannot tell you the gender, but we can identify if your pregnancy is viable, check for a heartbeat, and take some measurements to give you a better idea of how far along you are in your pregnancy. Understanding how far along you are in your pregnancy is vital if you may be considering abortion. Next stepsAfter your ultrasound appointment you should have more insight about your pregnancy. Our staff and volunteers will be available to answer any questions that arise. If you are planning to parent your child or place your child into a loving home through adoption, now is the time to find a doctor you trust and start your prenatal care. We also have a Parenting Center that offers many resources for mothers, and fathers are welcome as well! If you are considering abortion, you may want to do further research on what the abortion procedures you’re considering entails, we have another post that can provide that info. We’re here for you and want you to know that we are a resource to you. We offer compassionate and confidential care during what can be a stressful time. You don’t have to figure all this stuff out alone, let trained staff and volunteers answer your questions and encourage you to make the best and most informed decision. We’ll see you soon!
Every woman that has decided to have an abortion has their own unique experience. The story below is the personal abortion experience of a CPC volunteer.
*The CPC provides unbiased, research-based information to all clients considering an abortion. The experience detailed below should be used as a personal testimonial and not considered all-inclusive of every woman’s abortion experience.* My Abortion Experience “After getting engaged to my boyfriend of a few years, I thought I would have that happily ever after wedding and a father for my 4 year old son from a previous relationship. Things were OK in the beginning but he became increasingly abusive to me over time. It started out with verbal abuse. Then one night he came home drunk or high on something, woke me from a sound sleep screaming at me then violently began to beat me. That was the night I thought I was going to die. He had his hands around my neck and was trying to strangle the life from me. I managed to escape and get out of the house. It was the first and last time he would ever put his hands on me. I moved out of the state to get away from him, and found myself jobless, broke, homeless and in an unplanned pregnancy. What to do? I was devastated, emotionally drained, and scared. How could I care for another child when I could barely feed the child I already had? In desperation, I walked into an abortion clinic for what I thought would be counseling. The counselor reinforced every fear I was experiencing and before I knew it, I handed her the money and went through with the abortion. I regretted it even as the procedure started. It was very painful and the people at the clinic were callus, cold, and uncaring. I cried because I knew at that moment that what I was doing wasn’t what I truly wanted. I wanted to flee from the procedure but it was too late. I had violated my own moral code and it became for me, my shameful, hidden secret for many years afterwards. The Aftermath Almost immediately after the procedure, I began to feel the emotional effects of the abortion. I thought I would feel relief, and in some ways I did, but the mental distress ruined any relief I felt. I spiraled into years of depression, eating disorders, and terrible relationships with men, as well as panic attacks that I believe stemmed from the fateful day I decided to have my abortion. I suffered years of anguish as a result and I think often of my child and what she (I feel as though it was a baby girl) would be like now. Healing I was able to receive After Abortion help through CARE Pregnancy Center. It was only after understanding that I was not alone in my suffering, and that many other women experience some of the same negative, emotional side effects after an abortion that I was able to start healing through the amazing program they offered me there. If only there were a pregnancy clinic like CARE years ago when I made that fateful decision, I probably would have avoided so many years of pain and grief.” No pressure, just facts Many women find themselves in situations similar to the experience detailed above. You may have feelings of fear, devastation, and at a loss of what to do about the unplanned pregnancy you may find yourself in, but I have good news. No matter your personal standing on abortion, the staff and volunteers at the CPC are here to help and encourage you. We offer unbiased information about medical and surgical abortions. There are many staff and volunteers that can also provide their personal abortion experiences to further help you make an informed decision. You will not be pressured or forced to make any decision you do not feel comfortable making. You wouldn’t buy a car without reading the reviews, why not learn more about what to expect from an abortion from someone that has been there. Call us today to learn more and schedule your appointment. You found out you’re pregnant and find yourself considering an abortion. It’s important to get some facts about your pregnancy before scheduling that abortion appointment. Here are a few reasons why getting a free ultrasound from the CPC should be among your first steps from the perspective of a medical professional on staff.
What’s going on in there? “Window to the womb” is a phrase often used to describe an ultrasound. It gives the nurse or sonographer and you as the client an opportunity to see what is happening inside your uterus, where the fetus is typically located. An ultrasound allows trained medical staff to gain valuable objective information that is vital to make an informed decision about terminating your pregnancy, carrying full-term, or placing your child for adoption. Our medical staff are trained to look for three things, to determine if the pregnancy is inside the uterus, to take measurements to estimate how far along you are in your pregnancy, and to look for a heartbeat. This is important to know before any decision is made for many reasons, but also because many pregnancies end in natural miscarriage. Is an abortion really necessary for me? Many natural miscarriages occur without a woman even knowing she is pregnant. For those women who do know they are pregnant, about 10-15% end in natural miscarriage. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) defines miscarriage as a pregnancy within the uterus that is nonviable with either an empty gestational sac or a gestational sac containing an embryo or fetus without fetal heart activity within the first 12 weeks of development. Although rare, some pregnancies are ectopic pregnancies. This means the fetus is outside the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening, and should have immediate medical attention. An undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy can be dangerous for women seeking an abortion. Making an informed decision An ultrasound will empower you with answers to these questions:
Bottom line You deserve to be informed before making such a big decision. At the CPC we are here to equip you with all of the necessary information to help you reach your decision. You have a right to know what is happening within your own body. Then, it is up to you to decide what to do with that knowledge. No one can force you into making a decision you do not feel comfortable with, that is why we are here to help you make an informed decision. Cost of ultrasound in the Shreveport/Bossier City area
Many women face unplanned pregnancies in the U.S., nearly half of all pregnancies that occur each year are unplanned. An unplanned pregnancy may have left you wondering what to do. Maybe you didn’t think it was the right time for a child, maybe the potential father wouldn’t have been good dad-material, or maybe you did not feel financially ready for a child. Whatever circumstances made you decide on abortion now fall in the shadow of a haunting thought whether you made the right decision or not. Maybe now you regret the decision to have an abortion, but no one ever mentioned you may regret it… Let me offer you some encouragement.
You are not alone. Nearly 1 in 4 women have had an abortion. According to a recent study, over half of the nearly 1,000 participating women in a post-abortive study sought counseling because of their abortion. Many articles you may come across online state that the majority of women feel no shame or regret after their abortion, but that has been widely questioned and discredited by multiple sources. If you are feeling regret, your feelings matter and should be acknowledged. We want to offer you support and healing. If you find yourself struggling with anger, depression, substance abuse, relationship problems, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, nightmares, or guilt, you may find comfort in our abortion recovery support group. These can be common symptoms of post-abortion stress. We don’t promise immediate healing, but we can offer help from someone who has been there and has worked through the feelings you may be experiencing now. You are valuable and no matter what decisions you made in the past, you deserve healing. We won’t have all the answers, but we can provide encouragement as you walk through this journey. All of our services are free and confidential, if you would like to talk to someone about healing the hurt from your abortion, we’re here for you. You matter, we CARE. Unplanned pregnancy? If you know you aren’t ready to be a parent, but can’t see yourself having an abortion either, what does that leave you? Adoption. But from everything you’ve heard, adoption is rough. Well, let me tell you about what adoption looks like these days, you may be surprised by what you hear.
Breaking the Stigma Adoption has changed SO much in the last decade.. As the birth mother you have the opportunity to decide who raises your baby. Based on what you want, you can select an adoption plan that fits your needs. There are closed adoptions, semi-closed, and open adoptions. The old idea of adoption is no more, adoption is now an opportunity to place your child in a loving home to be raised by people you trust and select yourself. At the CPC we can provide you with information about these different types of adoption plans. Common Questions... Q. How can I be sure the family that adopts my baby are good people? The adoption agency you select will screen all prospective adoptive parents. A licensed social worker will perform a detailed evaluation on the couple and their home. You will also have the opportunity to speak with the potential adoptive parents yourself. Q. Will my child know me? Communication between you and the adoptive parents and your baby is completely up to you. Many women choose to write letters with their child letting them know the decision to place them for adoption was a decision made in love. Some women even choose to have periodic visits with their child throughout the years. Q. Are there costs to me? No. Adoptive parents pay legal fees, medical bills not covered by insurance, and counseling fees. In some cases the adoptive family may be able to provide pregnancy expenses like food and rent. Q. What if I change my mind and decide to keep my baby? Before signing any forms, you may change your mind. Feeling sorrow or guilt doesn’t mean you are making the wrong decision. You may find comfort in receiving free counseling to help clarify your feelings. Counseling will be a great opportunity to reevaluate the reasons behind you choosing adoption and determine if you still stand by your decision. At the CPC we can provide you with unbiased, factual information about abortion, parenting, and adoption. Only you can decide what decision to make regarding your pregnancy. We are just here to support and encourage you so that you can make a well-informed decision. We look forward to meeting you! Stolen Innocence
*a volunteer story “We lived in an apartment. My parents were divorced and my mother had to leave us alone a lot while she worked. My brothers and I roamed the neighborhood most days, making friends and playing. On this particular day my brothers were playing with a kid named Scott. I don’t remember what he looked like, but I’ve never forgotten his name. We were playing hide-and-seek. Scott and I ended up in my bedroom and we were “hiding” under my covers. He asked me to take my clothes off. I was only eight years old. My little brother walked in on us, and would threaten to tell my mother. He used it as “blackmail” for several days after. One night while we were eating dinner as a family he just blurted it out. I can still picture myself—sitting on the curb in front of the apartment that night. Alone. Crying. Scared. Ashamed. I don’t remember what my mother said about it, but I know what she didn’t say:
My innocence was stolen from me…..I didn’t give it away. It would take me forty years to begin to understand this. Until we tell someone who can be trusted, we will believe the lies written on our hearts as children. Meanwhile, we will leave a trail of pain and brokenness wherever we go—believing it’s who we are.” Maybe you have a similar story, I’m here to tell you that you are loved. You are worthy of love and respect. You are beautiful. You are not responsible for the things done to you when you had no reason and logic. You have value and worth that can never be stolen. At the CPC we care for you when experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, but we are also a source of encouragement and comfort when you’re doubting your worth because your innocence was stolen from you. Many of the staff and volunteers have been in your shoes, and believe me when I say, we’re here for you. We are that someone that can be trusted. Call or email us today if you want to know more, we can also refer you to professional counseling services in your area. You are not alone. You matter, we CARE. Unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion? We’ve got some helpful information for you. It is important to know what to expect in both procedures in order to prepare yourself. Let’s take a look at medical and surgical abortions and see how they compare. Let’s Compare: One thing medical and surgical abortions have in common is that neither happen in just a day. Both require multiple visits to the abortion clinic. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy will determine which abortion procedure is available to you. It’s important to have an ultrasound prior to know exactly how far along you are. The CPC offers free pregnancy tests, options counseling, and free limited ultrasounds to our clients. Take a look at the chart provided to compare a little more about medical and surgical abortions. ![]() *chart provided by "Before you Decide" magazine, Ed. 2 What are the risks: Like other procedures, there are associated risks with both medical and surgical abortions. Medical abortions can be very dangerous if you have an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy. Because the completion of a medical abortion typically occurs in your home, many women have also shared that expelling their fetus has been a difficult situation to handle. Surgical abortion risks range from heavy bleeding, incomplete abortion, death, emotional distress, and several others. We offer free options counseling where you can talk with an unbiased, trained volunteer or staff member more about what to expect and associated risks in a medical and surgical abortion. How much is it going to cost: The cost of an abortion is greatly impacted by how far along you are in your pregnancy. In Louisiana the price range of an abortion can be anywhere from $500-$850 or more. At the CPC, you can receive free services like pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, options information, and more. Bottom line: We’re here for you. We aren’t here to judge you or tell you what to do. We want to be a resource that empowers you to make informed decisions because we believe informed decisions are the best decisions. If you want to learn more about abortion procedures, adoption, and parenting, you’re one click away from receiving encouragement, empowerment, and helpful information! We’re ready to serve you! Moving in together has SO many benefits, right?! You can save money.. you can see if your guy is really husband material.. you are making a deeper commitment to one another.. Wrong! Ok, hear me out.
Getting the facts Everyone’s relationship moves at a different pace. Some are quick to realize that they’ve found their special person, others like to play the field and take their time settling down with one person. There’s no shame in either decision, but I do want to give you some information that may help you make a decision easier when deciding to move in with that special person you’ve found. Stepping stone to marriage If you want to end up married to your boyfriend one day, then maybe rethink moving in together. Many women see moving in with their boyfriend as one step closer to a proposal, however, research shows that many men tend to think the exact opposite. Men participating in a study actually reveal that moving in with a girlfriend is a way to postpone marriage, or “test out” if they would want to be married to their girlfriend in the future. Additionally, couples that do end up getting married after living together first have higher divorce rates compared to those not living together before marriage. If a guy wants to “test out” what it would be like to be your husband, he’s probably not the guy for you. You deserve someone that KNOWS how amazing it would be to be your husband. It only makes sense Maybe moving in for you is about saving some coin. Although it sounds like a good plan to move in together, unfortunately, research doesn’t support that idea. Research proves that many couples that choose to live together actually live below the national poverty line compared to married couples of similar age and background. A study also found that almost 50% of women that live or have lived with a boyfriend experienced an unplanned pregnancy. If you are already feeling burdened by income, an unexpected pregnancy may add further stress to your situation. An unexpected pregnancy may leave you needing options information, which we are happy to provide for you! Semi-commitment is not a commitment Research also reveals cheating is more common in couples that choose to live together compared to their married peers. Cheating is never a comfortable thing in a relationship, but when you live with your boyfriend and cheating happens, it does make the situation complicated. You’re faced with the decision of where you’re supposed to move or where will he move, how will you come up with enough money for bills or a deposit for a new place, the list can go on and on. So what does this all mean? I know living together may seem like a step toward a deeper commitment, and I want you to have the commitment you desire! But research proves that if you want a long-term, committed, fulfilling relationship, waiting until after you get married to move in together is the way to go. If you’re already living with your boyfriend, I’ve been there. It may be hard to have an honest conversation about the direction of your relationship. Maybe now is the time to set a date and find a pretty white dress, or maybe you two aren’t on the same page of the direction the relationship is going. Either way, we want to be a listening ear for you. We’re here to encourage and equip you for a happy and healthy relationship. Give us a call, or email us to start the conversation today. We’re waiting to hear from you! We’ve all heard about STDs/STIs, but how do we really know when we’ve been exposed to one?
It isn’t anyone’s place to judge you or tell you how to live, but at the CPC we do want to share with you information that can help you live your best life. Stick with me the next few paragraphs as I share with you about sexually transmitted infections and how you can protect yourself. First thing first, condoms do not protect you completely. If used correctly, condoms can protect you from STDs/STIs that are passed through bodily fluid, but they cannot protect you from infections that are passed by skin-to-skin contact. It’s also important to mention that just because a condom is used, doesn’t mean it’s being used properly. Many times, condoms are not used correctly and that means a higher chance of contracting an STD/STI or becoming pregnant. The chance of a person in the age group of 15-24 contracting an STD/STI is super high. It’s estimated that 1 in 4 young women in our nation has an STD. For my local ladies, Shreveport ranks #9 in the nation for the most reported STD cases. For the state of Louisiana as a whole, we rank #2 in the nation for chlamydia, #3 for gonorrhea, and #5 for syphilis. I don’t want to scare anyone, but I do want you to know how common STDs/STIs can be so you know how to protect yourself. With many STDs, the symptoms may go unnoticed for long periods of time, so it’s important to get tested regularly if you have had multiple partners. Now that the stats are out of the way, how can you protect yourself? This answer is pretty simple, know your partner and make well informed decisions about your sexual partner(s). Research proves that long-term, monogamous relationships where both people are faithful shows a nearly 0% chance of contracting an STD/STI. Have a conversation with your partner or potential partner about sexual health and getting tested for STDs/STIs. The CPC can provide you with a list of testing sites. The staff and volunteers at CPC don’t want to judge you or tell you how to live your life. We’re here to encourage you and provide you with helpful information about your sexual health. If you’re feeling discouraged, please know that you are so valuable and worthy of love and respect. Email us or give us a call today so we can talk with you more about your health! The whole world right now is in a bit of a panic. Can you relate? Not only are you stressing about this virus pandemic, but now you just found out you’re pregnant and you’re not sure about what to do. Now what?
Fear not; take a deep breath and give the next few paragraphs a read for some peace and information that may help you make your pregnancy decision based on facts, not fear. Take Your Time You’re safely quarantined anyway. Take this opportunity to research your options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. The CPC has unbiased information on all of these options, and we can provide this information absolutely free. You don’t have to feel rushed to make your decision to carry or terminate just because of concerning outside circumstances. Stay safely tucked away at home, learning about your options in between your favorite Netflix shows. Paying the Price Abortions are costly. If your job isn’t able to stay open due to the virus, it may be a challenge to pay for an expensive procedure. Before deciding on abortion, you may decide to create a budget for the time you’ll be quarantined. An evaluation of your finances is wise. You could be spending funds you’ll need later for groceries, or toilet paper… We’ve Got Your Back Support is so important. You aren’t facing this decision alone. You are the one to decide what choice to make, but we’re here to offer you encouragement and support. If you need someone to talk to about your decision, although we can’t sit with you face-to-face because of social distancing recommended because of COVID-19, we can set up a virtual counseling session. We want to come along side you to help you make an informed decision based on facts and not fear, and to share with you that you are VALUABLE and we CARE for you! We’re looking forward to hearing from you and opening our doors back up very soon! Are you freaking out? Fear of the unknown is very real. It’s a time when you begin asking yourself questions you never imagined asking.
When facing an unplanned pregnancy we can find ourselves feeling so clueless and alone. Can I offer you some encouragement during this scary time? The decision of abortion, adoption, or parenting doesn’t have to be a decision made without information and resources. Many of the staff and volunteers at the CPC have been in the same spot you stand now. Let me give you some vital information that may help you make your decision. You may be surprised to know that many pregnancies end by natural miscarriage. If you’re considering abortion, an ultrasound could really help you determine if you would even need to pay for an abortion. Our trained nurses can inform you of exactly how far along you are and let you know if there is a heartbeat. This information is necessary in determining if abortion is an option for you. While a limited ultrasound appointment can be expensive, we can provide one for free! Adoption has changed a lot in recent years. If you aren’t ready to become a parent, let us tell you about the choice of adoption. Adoption is the most flexible option and there are different types to choose from: an open adoption, a semi-closed adoption, and a closed adoption. You also have the ability to choose who parents your birth child. You can choose to be included in their life as they grow up or decide that you would rather receive updates and pictures instead. Based on what you want, you can find a plan that makes sense for you. Parenting can be challenging. You are thrown into a responsibility that feels overwhelming at times, but I have good news. You aren’t alone. The CPC also has a Parenting Center with all kinds of classes you can take completely free. Classes about birth, anger management, raising a toddler, the list goes on and on. What’s even sweeter, the Parenting Center also has a boutique with everything ranging from bottles, wipes, and car seats to maternity clothes. This center is a free resource offered to equip you to be the best parent you can be. Whatever you decide, we’re here for you. We’re here to encourage you, support you, and give you the information you need to make an informed decision. Our services are completely free and confidential. Make an appointment today, we’re here to help you! You just found out you’re pregnant and you weren’t exactly planning to have a baby right now.. So what are your options?
You may have heard of Plan C. Plan C is a way to order abortion medication online and self-manage your abortion in your own home. But is this the right option for you? Check out these important things to know before you order Plan C. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns potential purchasers of the dangers of taking abortion medication without physician oversight. Health history is very important when considering Plan C and any abortion procedure. Conditions such as allergies, an ectopic pregnancy, an IUD, and many others will influence whether or not Plan C will be an option for you. Be sure you’re really pregnant. Twenty percent of pregnancies end by a natural miscarriage. Before ordering an expensive abortion from online, schedule a free limited ultrasound. At the CPC you can get a free limited ultrasound to determine if the pregnancy is viable and see how far along you are. It is important to know how far along you are before taking Plan C or having any abortion procedure. Long shipping times can render the abortion medication ineffective, thus leading you to decide on a second, more expensive, surgical abortion or carrying full term. Another factor to consider before deciding on Plan C is the side effects. Medical abortions can have many side effects like severe cramping, bleeding for several days to several weeks, infection, vomiting, fever, headaches, etc. Some women need pain medication for their procedures, something you will not have with Plan C. Some sites have encouraged women that experience serious side effects and are in need of medical attention to lie to healthcare providers about taking Plan C. These sites encourage women to tell their doctors that they had a spontaneous miscarriage. You are valuable and you deserve the very best care. At the CPC you will receive all the information you will need in order to make your pregnancy decision. We aren’t here to judge you or tell you what to do. We are here to encourage you and provide you with all the resources you will need to be well-informed. Give us a call or schedule your appointment below. We can’t wait to meet you! |
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